MTT October grind Day13

MTT October grind Day13
13.10.2011 14:19
13.10.2011 14:19

 Sveicināti! Jau kādu laiciņu neesmu neko rakstījis Pokahā. Lielākoties gan slinkuma pēc. Tomēr pēdējā laikā, ieraugot vairākus interesantus, labi noformētus blogus (rezultātu attēlošana tabulās), ir ieinteresējusi mani pašam ko tādu radīt!

 Mēģināšu arī beidzot pārvarēt nelabumu pret citiem pokersoftiem un saņemties notestēt savas spējas citās pokeristabās Ongame un iPoker tīklos! Lielākoties, protams, šis te blogs palīdzēs man pašam tikt pie skaidrības, kurā pokeristabā peļņa sanāk labāka.

Uztaisīšu arī kādu sesiju caur, ja kādam būs interese pavērot manu spēles stilu.

 Mazliet par sevi… Pokeru nopietni spēlēju no pāgājušā gada aprīļa, tātad, liekas, tieši pusotru gadu. Esmu pamēģinājis sevi it visās kategorijās (cash, MTT, SNG) un, principā, nu jau esmu sasniedzis līmeni, kad varu plusot it visos šajos pokera novirzienos, noteiktos limitos. Tomēr, pārsvarā esmu izteikts NL holdem Multi Table Tournament spēlētājs.

 Lūk mana MTT statistika dažās no istabām, kurās es spēlēju:



 Tad beidzot saņēmos un izveidoju primitīvu peļņas tabuliņu, kas uzrāda pēļņu katrā pokertīklā attiecīgajā dienā:

Ar laiku tabulu uzlabošu, tomēr pagaidām nav laika, lai atcerētos nu jau 10 gadus atpakaļ lietotās funkcijas. Piemēram, gribētos savienot krāsu skalu attiecībā pret cipara lielumu vai gluži pretēji. Bet nu ja atradīšu laiku, gan jau arī to funkciju sameklēšu.


25. oktobris

 Šodien izlēmu izspēlēt dienas sesiju. Vakar paņēmu dienu brīvu, lai atgūtos no briesmīgās svētdienas ar cerību, ka downstrak pāries. Tomēr jau dienas sākumā tikko iesākot, Ongame $11+, $3.5kg jau saņēmu KK pret AA un AK, kas liecināja, ka nekā daudz no šodienas nav ko gaidīt.  Ongame vairākkārt tiku bad beatots un izlidoju. Savukārt, Pokerstaros sanāca iespēlēties $5+, $15kg un tikt pat līdz pusfinālam, kur atkal izlidoju ar bad beat. Jāteic gan, ka līdz tam 2/3 steka sanāca atdot ar QKs trāpot flopā 48Q ar iespējamu flushdraw. Tā kā biju atvēries pēdējās 3 no 4 rokām, tad pretinieku, kam 3bet bija virs 15%, neuzliku uz AK. Tā kā atlika vai nu flush draw vai set. Nenoticēju setam un iepušoju turn. Diemžēl, liekas vajadzēja call/fold turn un fold uz river.. Palika ~15B, kurus no SB iepušoju uz to pašu pretinieku, kas iekoloja ar A2s un pret maniem 44 savāca 6K62K board. Kārtējais sviests.. Kopumā diena neveiksmīga, arī ar savu spēli neesmu īsti apmierināts — daudz kļūdas, vairāki misread, nogurums. Tad nu rīt ņemu brīvdienu. Ja atradīšu brīvu laiku, apkopošu kopējo +/- tabulu.


23. oktobris

Kaut kāda šausmīga diena. Nemaz nerunāšu par koiniem zaudētajiem, ja pat dominācijās pārāk bieži tiku sasists lupatās. Manu veiksmi arī, protams, parāda vienīgais misclick, kad spēlēju vairākus turnīrus un replay vēroju rokas izspēli un izleca priekšā Sunday Million logs un sanāca tieši nospiest uz all in tieši kad kāds jau bija 3bet pušojis all in.. Tā kā sanāca netīšam cold call 3bet ar K8o.. Izspēlēju tik daudz turnīrus un procentuāli ITM, liekas pat nebūs 10%.. Iespējams, kādu dienu būs jāatpūšas no Pokerstars. Tas, kas tur ar mani notiek, neliekas diez ko pozitīvi. Mīnusus apkopošu rīt.. Pat negribas sevi vēl vairāk sarūgtināt!


22. oktobris

 Melnā diena. Arī deep run $5+, $15kg sanāca pabeigt ar kūleru uz cut off saņemot QQ pret small blind ar AA ar ~18B steku. Tā nu beigās arī ar TT neizvilku cflip pret QJs, Out 34. vietā.

19. oktobris

 Nu ko šodien bija tāda sajūta, ka beidzot Ongame būs lielā payday, kad pie $14k European $22 rebuy gāju 1 no 6. Tad, iekolojot raise ar 55, noflopoju setu un izlēmu slowplejot uz flopa T6K, ar iespējamu flush draw. Tā nu OPPs ar TT uz turn trāpīja augstākā setā un savāca gandrīz visu manu steku atstājot ar ~6 blaindu steku. Pēdējā izspēle bija pret to pašu pretinieku ar 6BB iekolojot viņa push no small blind uz manu big blind ar A2o. Protams, ka tur dominācija  — A7o!

 Pokerstaros izcēlu vienu 180 spēlētāju $15 turbo un arī paliku plusā. Tomēr vairākos MTT saņēmu kaudzi ar bad beatiem. iPokerā nu jau kādu laiciņu neesmu pat līdz ITM ticis. Senāk katru otro dienu bija finalka 🙂 Tomēr ipokerā spēlēju ne vairāk kā 1-2 turnīrus dienā, tāpat kā Ongame.

 Dienas kopējais pluss: +$819. Ir ok, tomēr varēja būt labāk… Kā jau vienmēr 🙂



18. oktobris

 Izspēlēju 8 turnīrus Pokerstaros. Pieregojoties, sapratu, ka šodien nav vēlmes spēlēt un atpūtīšos. Tomēr nesanāca ātri izlidot, it īpaši aizmirsu atregoties no $109, $50kg. Spēle šodien īpaši negāja — zaudēju vairākus svarīgus coinflip. Piemēram, $109 turnīrā gandrīz uz bubble izlidoju ar AK<99, $2+, 10kg sanāca deep run. Tomēr beigās arī neizvilku coinflip un izlidoju ap ~30. vietu. $44, 6max ar 66 uz flopa 674 ar iespējamu flush tiku bad beatots, kad reizoju agresora cbet 2.5x un tiku iepušots vēl plus 30BB ar open ended straight draw..Klauns ar $100k profit. Protams, ka viņam veiksme palīdzēja uz river noķert straight. $54 KO jau tiekot naudā, iepušoju 10BB no utg ar 66. Arī cietu no donka, kas uz big blainda iekoloja ar A3s un, protams, trāpīja high pair. Diezgan bieži zaudēju lielu steka daļu uz 3bet/4bet pušiem ar KK pret rokām kā AK-AJ.

 Tomēr pa dienu niecīgs mīnus: -$19. Tas priecē ^^ Vismaz šodien aiziešu gulēt laicīgi kā cilvēks — pirms 2 naktī, ne kā iepriekš ap 5-6 no rīta 🙂

P.S. Iespējams, rītdien ar paņemšu brīvdienu, lai gan vēl neesmu konkrēti izlēmis. Ja spēlēšu, tad visticamāk vakarpusē, kā jau ierasts.


17. oktobris

 Beidzot arī Ongame tiku ITM un pat pie finālgalda. Jāsaka gan ka izkritu 5. vietā, jo noblefoju visu steku pret calling station. Neteiksim, ka es slikti blefoju, bet es blefoju ne to spēlētāju = CALLING STATION. Jāsaka tas bija dumji. Tomēr, jo vairāk galdus spēlē, jo vairāk kļūdas pieļauj.

 Pokerstaros atkal izcēlos iekolojot milzīgu blefu $3+, $40kg donkamentā un vienu brīdi pat gāju 1. vietā. Bet tad atkal aizrāvos ar agresiju un beigās sanāca nostakoties uz milzīgu steku pret OPPu, kas uz manu 4bet jau 3-5 rokas atpakaļ bija 5betojis. tad nu uz big blainda 4bet iepušoju ar 88 un tur, protams, AA… The bigger$55 zaudēju lielu daļu steka ar AKs iebraucot KK. Beigu izspēlē neizvilku coinflip. Tas pats ar flip uz bubble TheBigger$109, kā arī $11+, $70kg sanāca zaudēt flip ar AJo<66. TheBigger$162 2 stundu laikā biju saņēmis tik vienu roku. Tad nu sanāca nepareizī nolasīt OPPU un iepušot ar A4o ar domu uz resteal ap 16BB. Tomēr OPPam bija roka un izlidoju krietni pirms ITM. Tomēr jāsaka, ka šodien uznāca vēlēšanās vienkārši nenormāli pablefot. Tādā veidā es arī steku  uzsitu un tāpat arī pazaudēju 🙂 Liekas, gala rezultāts vairāk nesekmīgs blefa izspēlēs dēļ kopējā noguruma, kas sakrājies spēlējot vairākas dienas bez atpūtas. Lai nu ko, bet, ja esi noguris, nedrīkst spēlēt agresīvi, savādāk rezultāts būs gaužām bēdīgs.

 Pateicoties finālgaldam $7kg, $11+ Ongame (vienīgais MTT Ongame šodien), tomēr esmu palicis mazā plusā, neskatoties uz to, ka Pokerstaros spēlēju 2 high stakes turnīrus un nevienā pat netiku ITM. Tātad Pokerstaros -$348(daļu gan atspēlēju, spēlējot cash, tomēr šeit rakstu tikai pa MTT rezultātiem), kopēji pa dienu +$25. WOW 🙂


16. oktobris

 Dienas sākums bija diezgan briesmīgs, ja neskaita turbo sng180 pa $15, kur tomēr arī izšķirošajā HU izspēlē tiku bad beatots AQ<67o, paliekot 2.vietā pie ~$500. Dienas gaitā maniem AA un KK vairākkārtēji nācās ciest tieši no 99 pie preflop all in. Sunday Warm up, kur gāju daudz maz ok ar steku ap 25BB, atradās viens supermens, kurš uz manu 4bet, iepušoja ar 99 un pārbrauca maniem KK. Turnīrā $54 KO izlidoju gandrīz uz bubble pret ļoti dīvainu call: iepušoju ap 16BB no CO ar 66 un BB iekoloja ar JKs… Manā pagaidām mīļākajā turnīrā (peļņas ziņā) $22 1R1A, $35kg, arī, ejot diezgan labi, tiku apzagts. No utg2 viens ielimpoja, utg3 iepušoja ap 18 blaindiem un MP2 ilgi nedomājot iekoloja all in ar visu savu steku ar 99. Nopriecājos par šādu action ar AA rokās. Tomēr mani prieki beidzās uz turn, kur 99 izkrita gutshot straight un savāca ap 60 blaindu banku.

 Ongame un ipokerā vakar kopā izspēlēju 4 turnīrus, bez ITM. Gaidīju CC, tā kā biju izsitis biļeti. Tomēr piemirsu, ka Ongame ar šo biļeti ir pašam jāregojas (nav autoreg kā tas ir Pokerstaros) un to sapratu tik dažas minūtes pēc septiņiem, kad turnīrs jau bija sācies. Ongame $5+ zaudēju coinflip ar JJ<AQ. iPokerā arī bez ITM.

 Tomēr Sunday Million tiku naudās un izkritu ap 600. vietu, tā kā kādu laiciņu jau valdīja card dead un ar straujo SM blaindu kāpšanu, bez kārtīm pēc ITM var izlidot ātri. Iepušoju ar JTs ap 7BB, uz turn savācot flush. Tomēr ilgi nepriecājos, tā kā uz river pretiniekam atnāca spēcīgākais flush, A high flush.

 Dziļākais ITM sanāca TheBigger $55, $200kg. Beigās pietrūka veiksmes, tā kā AA tika pārbraukti ar TT. Izkritu ap 94. vietu, saņemot ~$350.

Bet kopumā ar rezultātu esmu apmierināts, tā kā, spēlējot svētdienas lielos turnīrus tomēr kopvērtējumā paliku plusā: +$382 Pokerstaros; kopēji pa dienu: +$249.


15. oktobris

 Nu tad beidzot arī pienāca pirmā diena ar zaudējumiem. SNG turbo180 to varēju izlabot, kad pie finālgalda no donka dabūju 3bet push all in pret maniem KK. Pretinieks ar A4o līdz river savāca straight. Tā nu Pokerstaros beidzu ar -$379 lielu mīnusu. Betsafe izspēlēju vienu satelītu uz Championship un izsitu $200 biļeti. Tātad pa dienu -$179.


 14. oktobris

 Man pašam par pārsteigumu Pokerstars jau otro dienu man ļauj ieplusot un šodien sēdēju jau pie 2 finālgaldiem MTT turnīros (viens $54 KO, $8kg un otrs $5 2R1A, $2kg). Lai uzvarētu pietrūka mazliet veiksmes, tomēr tik un rezultāts ir ok. Tātad $54KO paliku 5. vietā, ieskvīzojot pret 2 pretiniekiem ar 22 ar ~14B steku. Liekas šo te roku vajadzēja mest nost, tā kā pretinieks, kas atvērās, pārsvarā bija uzrādījis tikai labas rokas. Otrajā, $5 turnīrā izlidoju, iepušojot K7s no small blind uz big blind 10 blaindu steku. 

 Ongeimā turnīrā $5+, $10kg izkritu, liekas, ap 60 vietu, kad iepušoju KK no CO ap 12 blaindiem. Pretī QQ trāpīja setā un pasniedza man bad beatu.

 Pa dienu kopvērtējumā sanāca neslikts pluss: +$765.

P.S. Solīto tabulu ar peļņas sadalījumu pa pokeristabām mēģināšu uztaisīt rīt vai parīt, tā kā pēc 10 stundu sesijas esmu pietiekami noguris, lai mēģinātu vēl kādu stundiņu noslogot nu jau tā nomocītās smadzenes 🙂


13. oktobris

 Pirmo dienu pabeidzu diezgan labi — ar 2 finalkām MTT un vienu pirmo vietu 180 spēlētāju SNG turbo $3+. Pa dienu +$523. kad būs laiks izveidošu tabulu ar plusiem un mīnusiem katrā istabā atsevišķi.










Все комментарии - 138

    22.10.2011 14:57

    Kārtējais PS special un out 34. vietā!
    PokerStars Game #69352501627: Tournament #543010206, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level XIX (2500/5000) — 2011/10/22 17:49:32 EET [2011/10/22 10:49:32 ET]
    Table '543010206 75' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
    Seat 1: Chrisse99 (83320 in chips)
    Seat 2: matmat17 (454009 in chips)
    Seat 3: dy8484 (225456 in chips)
    Seat 5: ADLJ (255494 in chips)
    Seat 6: Kaktus26rus (123419 in chips)
    Seat 7: bonoprince (142168 in chips)
    Seat 8: ex6tenceLV (130123 in chips)
    Seat 9: Eiturlyf (40790 in chips) out of hand (moved from another table into small blind)
    Chrisse99: posts the ante 500
    matmat17: posts the ante 500
    dy8484: posts the ante 500
    ADLJ: posts the ante 500
    Kaktus26rus: posts the ante 500
    bonoprince: posts the ante 500
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 500
    Chrisse99: posts small blind 2500
    matmat17: posts big blind 5000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [Qd Qc]
    dy8484: folds
    ADLJ: folds
    Kaktus26rus: folds
    bonoprince: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 5000 to 10000
    Chrisse99: calls 7500
    matmat17: raises 19999 to 29999
    ex6tenceLV: raises 99624 to 129623 and is all-in
    Chrisse99: calls 72820 and is all-in
    matmat17: folds
    Uncalled bet (46803) returned to ex6tenceLV
    *** FLOP *** [Js 8h 2d]
    *** TURN *** [Js 8h 2d] [3d]
    *** RIVER *** [Js 8h 2d 3d] [2h]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Chrisse99: shows [As Ad] (two pair, Aces and Deuces)
    ex6tenceLV: shows [Qd Qc] (two pair, Queens and Deuces)
    Chrisse99 collected 199139 from pot

    22.10.2011 13:04
    20.10.2011 23:40

    PokerStars Game #69279294551: Tournament #543011254, $150+$12 USD Hold&#039;em No Limit — Level XVIII (500/1000) — 2011/10/21 2:16:59 EET [2011/10/20 19:16:59 ET]
    Table &#039;543011254 2&#039; 9-max Seat #4 is the button
    Seat 1: Zident (13289 in chips)
    Seat 2: Bastard80 (8873 in chips)
    Seat 3: Isenthaler (14285 in chips)
    Seat 4: right_on!^*7 (20545 in chips)
    Seat 5: ex6tenceLV (29986 in chips)
    Seat 6: malefactor9 (27255 in chips)
    Seat 7: feno123 (15127 in chips)
    Seat 9: Reissumies (20526 in chips)
    Zident: posts the ante 125
    Bastard80: posts the ante 125
    Isenthaler: posts the ante 125
    right_on!^*7: posts the ante 125
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 125
    malefactor9: posts the ante 125
    feno123: posts the ante 125
    Reissumies: posts the ante 125
    ex6tenceLV: posts small blind 500
    malefactor9: posts big blind 1000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [4c 4s]
    feno123: folds
    Reissumies: folds
    Zident: folds
    Bastard80: raises 7748 to 8748 and is all-in
    Isenthaler: folds
    right_on!^*7: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 21113 to 29861 and is all-in
    malefactor9: calls 26130 and is all-in
    Uncalled bet (2731) returned to ex6tenceLV
    *** FLOP *** [3s Ks 2c]
    *** TURN *** [3s Ks 2c] [Ad]
    *** RIVER *** [3s Ks 2c Ad] [9s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    ex6tenceLV: shows [4c 4s] (a pair of Fours)
    malefactor9: shows [Ac Th] (a pair of Aces)
    malefactor9 collected 36764 from side pot
    Bastard80: shows [7c Ah] (a pair of Aces — lower kicker)
    malefactor9 collected 27244 from main pot
    The Bigger$162.. Ar manu veiksmi cflipos šodien, biju priecīgs, ka tiku ITM. Tomēr beigas gan varēja sanākt labākas, it īpaši pret 6 outeriem pret lielāko steku..

    20.10.2011 19:38
    20.10.2011 19:18

    PokerStars Game #69266797295: Tournament #543010534, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level IV (50/100) — 2011/10/20 22:14:18 EET [2011/10/20 15:14:18 ET]
    Table '543010534 64' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
    Seat 1: ex6tenceLV (9358 in chips)
    Seat 2: petulo87 (4154 in chips)
    Seat 3: smart2510 (4610 in chips)
    Seat 4: stardust167 (6709 in chips)
    Seat 5: kawachi1984 (5640 in chips)
    Seat 6: MarkFSU1 (7962 in chips)
    Seat 7: jjsbryan (5372 in chips)
    Seat 8: ultralord007 (6050 in chips)
    Seat 9: Oledjan (2072 in chips)
    ultralord007: posts small blind 50
    Oledjan: posts big blind 100
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [6c 5c]
    petulo87 said, "1. u just raised … not much"
    ex6tenceLV: raises 121 to 221
    petulo87 said, "2. he went all in"
    petulo87: calls 221
    smart2510: folds
    stardust167: folds
    kawachi1984: folds
    MarkFSU1: calls 221
    jjsbryan: folds
    ultralord007: folds
    Oledjan: folds
    *** FLOP *** [5d Jh 4c]
    ex6tenceLV: checks
    petulo87: checks
    MarkFSU1: checks
    *** TURN *** [5d Jh 4c] [4h]
    ex6tenceLV: checks
    petulo87: checks
    MarkFSU1: bets 500
    ex6tenceLV: calls 500
    petulo87: folds
    *** RIVER *** [5d Jh 4c 4h] [2c]
    ex6tenceLV: checks
    MarkFSU1: bets 1188
    ex6tenceLV: calls 1188
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    MarkFSU1: shows [Td 9d] (a pair of Fours)
    ex6tenceLV: shows [6c 5c] (two pair, Fives and Fours)
    ex6tenceLV collected 4189 from pot

    20.10.2011 19:05

    PokerStars Game #69266017803: Tournament #455348538, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level XIII (1000/2000) — 2011/10/20 22:00:47 EET [2011/10/20 15:00:47 ET]
    Table '455348538 20' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
    Seat 1: Rooy69 (14850 in chips)
    Seat 2: Com. Tomson (13970 in chips)
    Seat 3: kleath (14206 in chips)
    Seat 4: uWannaLoan? (18950 in chips)
    Seat 5: maybach62s (19793 in chips)
    Seat 6: pelijon (5638 in chips)
    Seat 7: Didi303 (26768 in chips)
    Seat 8: ex6tenceLV (11650 in chips)
    Seat 9: Cashcid Linc (11945 in chips)
    Rooy69: posts the ante 200
    Com. Tomson: posts the ante 200
    kleath: posts the ante 200
    uWannaLoan?: posts the ante 200
    maybach62s: posts the ante 200
    pelijon: posts the ante 200
    Didi303: posts the ante 200
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 200
    Cashcid Linc: posts the ante 200
    ex6tenceLV: posts small blind 1000
    Cashcid Linc: posts big blind 2000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [Ks Kh]
    Rooy69: folds
    Com. Tomson: raises 2000 to 4000
    kleath: folds
    uWannaLoan?: folds
    maybach62s: folds
    pelijon: folds
    Didi303: calls 4000
    ex6tenceLV: raises 7450 to 11450 and is all-in
    Cashcid Linc: raises 295 to 11745 and is all-in
    Com. Tomson: calls 7745
    Didi303: folds
    *** FLOP *** [2s Qd Js]
    *** TURN *** [2s Qd Js] [Qh]
    *** RIVER *** [2s Qd Js Qh] [6s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Cashcid Linc: shows [Jc Ah] (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
    Com. Tomson: shows [Kc Qc] (three of a kind, Queens)
    Com. Tomson collected 590 from side pot
    ex6tenceLV: shows [Ks Kh] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
    Com. Tomson collected 40150 from main pot
    Cashcid Linc finished the tournament in 489th place
    ex6tenceLV finished the tournament in 490th place
    Pagaidām nenormāli neiet. Ja kas mainīsies, ieslēgšu join me.

    19.10.2011 22:43


      19.10.2011 22:44

      Bija jau — tikko izlidoju no pēdējā MTT pie finālgalda ar set pret augstāku set 🙂

    19.10.2011 22:32

    Vienkārši unikāls kūlers pie finālgalda… Trāpot setā ar 55 gribēju ievilkt OPPu lamatās un spēlēju check/call. Uz turna OPPs dabūja set ar TT… Pēdējā rokā ar ~6BB steku izlidoju pret to pašu pretinieku — man uz BB A2o, viņam A7o ..
    ***** History for hand T5-184479676-361 (TOURNAMENT: "$14,000 European Rebuy", R-4878-33, buy-in: $22) *****
    Start hand: Thu Oct 20 01:23:44 EEST 2011
    Table: Table #27 [184479676] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 4000/8000, ante: 800, Chips)
    User: ex6tence
    Button: seat 6
    Players in round: 6
    Seat 3: Denjikk (212495)
    Seat 4: QuietGoneGin (252622)
    Seat 5: ex6tence (294664)
    Seat 6: MastaPercs89 (51809)
    Seat 8: loderon (245068)
    Seat 10: KameronaDD (306342)
    loderon posts ante 800
    KameronaDD posts ante 800
    Denjikk posts ante 800
    QuietGoneGin posts ante 800
    ex6tence posts ante 800
    MastaPercs89 posts ante 800
    loderon posts small blind (4000)
    KameronaDD posts big blind (8000)

    Dealing pocket cards
    Dealing to ex6tence: [5s, 5d]
    Denjikk folds
    QuietGoneGin raises 16000 to 16000
    ex6tence calls 16000
    MastaPercs89 folds
    loderon folds
    KameronaDD folds
    — Dealing flop [3c, 5c, Ks]
    QuietGoneGin bets 23400
    ex6tence calls 23400
    — Dealing turn [Tc]
    QuietGoneGin bets 49485
    ex6tence calls 49485
    — Dealing river [Ad]
    QuietGoneGin bets 162937 [all in]
    ex6tence calls 162937

    19.10.2011 22:06

    Izslēdzu stream, jo pie $22+, $14k European rebuy finālgalda saņēmu 3bet no vienīgā cilvēka, kas no POkah varēja vērot 🙂
    P.S. Double up ar AA>ATo. Eju 1/7.

    19.10.2011 20:10

    WTF ???
    PokerStars Game #69221105705: Tournament #543010533, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level VII (125/250) — 2011/10/19 23:07:37 EET [2011/10/19 16:07:37 ET]
    Table '543010533 92' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
    Seat 1: FERASHOWWW (12727 in chips)
    Seat 2: Verwonderde (8139 in chips)
    Seat 3: -MortenVM- (11983 in chips)
    Seat 4: salaliitto (11970 in chips)
    Seat 5: Superj159 (7470 in chips)
    Seat 6: 00taartje00 (13815 in chips)
    Seat 7: ex6tenceLV (11298 in chips)
    Seat 8: lexx955 (5022 in chips)
    Seat 9: AssDuive (5320 in chips)
    FERASHOWWW: posts the ante 25
    Verwonderde: posts the ante 25
    -MortenVM-: posts the ante 25
    salaliitto: posts the ante 25
    Superj159: posts the ante 25
    00taartje00: posts the ante 25
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 25
    lexx955: posts the ante 25
    AssDuive: posts the ante 25
    lexx955: posts small blind 125
    AssDuive: posts big blind 250
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [3h 3d]
    FERASHOWWW: folds
    Verwonderde: folds
    -MortenVM-: folds
    salaliitto: raises 375 to 625
    Superj159: folds
    00taartje00: folds
    ex6tenceLV: calls 625
    lexx955: folds
    AssDuive: folds
    *** FLOP *** [6h 5h 3s]
    salaliitto: bets 962
    ex6tenceLV: raises 962 to 1924
    salaliitto: calls 962
    *** TURN *** [6h 5h 3s] [5s]
    salaliitto: checks
    ex6tenceLV: checks
    *** RIVER *** [6h 5h 3s 5s] [5d]
    salaliitto: checks
    ex6tenceLV: checks
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    salaliitto: shows [Jd Jc] (a full house, Fives full of Jacks)
    ex6tenceLV: mucks hand
    salaliitto collected 5698 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***

    19.10.2011 19:38

    PokerStars Game #69219448340: Tournament #543010563, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level VIII (60/120) — 2011/10/19 22:36:50 EET [2011/10/19 15:36:50 ET]
    Table '543010563 60' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
    Seat 1: ex6tenceLV (2923 in chips)
    Seat 2: sapega (9084 in chips)
    Seat 3: Fans-1904 (2100 in chips)
    Seat 4: mulle1234 (2743 in chips)
    Seat 5: Guillo666 (1990 in chips)
    Seat 6: govorovlove (4170 in chips)
    Seat 7: Guikill2 (4590 in chips)
    Seat 8: sun264 (2180 in chips)
    Seat 9: frodolea (7125 in chips)
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 15
    sapega: posts the ante 15
    Fans-1904: posts the ante 15
    mulle1234: posts the ante 15
    Guillo666: posts the ante 15
    govorovlove: posts the ante 15
    Guikill2: posts the ante 15
    sun264: posts the ante 15
    frodolea: posts the ante 15
    frodolea: posts small blind 60
    ex6tenceLV: posts big blind 120
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [Jh Jd]
    sapega: folds
    Fans-1904: folds
    mulle1234: raises 120 to 240
    Guillo666: folds
    govorovlove: folds
    Guikill2: folds
    sun264: folds
    frodolea: calls 180
    ex6tenceLV: raises 2668 to 2908 and is all-in
    mulle1234: calls 2488 and is all-in
    frodolea: folds
    Uncalled bet (180) returned to ex6tenceLV
    *** FLOP *** [7s 4h Kc]
    *** TURN *** [7s 4h Kc] [Ac]
    *** RIVER *** [7s 4h Kc Ac] [4d]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    ex6tenceLV: shows [Jh Jd] (two pair, Jacks and Fours)
    mulle1234: shows [Kd Js] (two pair, Kings and Fours)
    mulle1234 collected 5831 from pot

    19.10.2011 19:25

    Tai pašā TheBigger$55….
    PokerStars Game #69218715932: Tournament #543010573, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level III (20/40) — 2011/10/19 22:23:57 EET [2011/10/19 15:23:57 ET]
    Table '543010573 80' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
    Seat 1: jakoon1985 (2398 in chips)
    Seat 2: trlanke (2960 in chips)
    Seat 3: ROGI84 (4260 in chips)
    Seat 4: djdecide (2415 in chips)
    Seat 5: ex6tenceLV (1417 in chips)
    Seat 6: otto (5277 in chips)
    Seat 7: Alex1979AAA (3687 in chips)
    Seat 8: negrilio3000 (2735 in chips)
    Seat 9: beefburger2 (2385 in chips)
    Alex1979AAA: posts small blind 20
    negrilio3000: posts big blind 40
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [Ad 9c]
    beefburger2: folds
    jakoon1985: folds
    trlanke: folds
    ROGI84: folds
    djdecide: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 60 to 100
    otto: folds
    Alex1979AAA: calls 80
    negrilio3000: folds
    *** FLOP *** [Ah 7h Tc]
    Alex1979AAA: bets 80
    ex6tenceLV: calls 80
    *** TURN *** [Ah 7h Tc] [9h]
    Alex1979AAA: checks
    ex6tenceLV: bets 221
    Alex1979AAA: calls 221
    *** RIVER *** [Ah 7h Tc 9h] [Ks]
    Alex1979AAA: checks
    ex6tenceLV: bets 621
    Alex1979AAA: calls 621
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    ex6tenceLV: shows [Ad 9c] (two pair, Aces and Nines)
    Alex1979AAA: shows [8c 6h] (a straight, Six to Ten)
    Alex1979AAA collected 2084 from pot

    19.10.2011 19:24

    Donki valda un manu steku skalda…
    PokerStars Game #69218417365: Tournament #543010573, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level II (15/30) — 2011/10/19 22:18:44 EET [2011/10/19 15:18:44 ET]
    Table '543010573 80' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
    Seat 1: jakoon1985 (2790 in chips)
    Seat 2: ssebass85 (2466 in chips)
    Seat 3: ROGI84 (4340 in chips)
    Seat 4: djdecide (2475 in chips)
    Seat 5: ex6tenceLV (3075 in chips)
    Seat 6: otto (3385 in chips)
    Seat 7: Alex1979AAA (3394 in chips)
    Seat 8: negrilio3000 (2735 in chips)
    Seat 9: beefburger2 (2340 in chips)
    beefburger2: posts small blind 15
    jakoon1985: posts big blind 30
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [As Qh]
    ssebass85: folds
    ROGI84: folds
    djdecide: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 60 to 90
    otto: calls 90
    Alex1979AAA: folds
    negrilio3000: folds
    beefburger2: folds
    jakoon1985: calls 60
    *** FLOP *** [5h 9h Qc]
    jakoon1985: checks
    ex6tenceLV: bets 162
    otto: calls 162
    jakoon1985: calls 162
    *** TURN *** [5h 9h Qc] [Td]
    jakoon1985: checks
    ex6tenceLV: bets 452
    otto: calls 452
    jakoon1985: folds
    *** RIVER *** [5h 9h Qc Td] [2s]
    ex6tenceLV: bets 921
    otto: calls 921
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    ex6tenceLV: shows [As Qh] (a pair of Queens)
    otto: shows [9d Th] (two pair, Tens and Nines)
    otto collected 3517 from pot

    19.10.2011 19:15

    PokerStars Game #69218162191: Tournament #543010433, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level XIII (200/400) — 2011/10/19 22:14:20 EET [2011/10/19 15:14:20 ET]
    Table '543010433 88' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
    Seat 1: Bolle03 (21152 in chips)
    Seat 2: ex6tenceLV (4296 in chips)
    Seat 3: Hazoe (6030 in chips)
    Seat 4: paget1986 (6850 in chips)
    Seat 5: czlol (6265 in chips)
    Seat 6: weekesy333 (9781 in chips)
    Seat 7: zinka2011 (5270 in chips)
    Seat 9: delftrules (15030 in chips)
    Bolle03: posts the ante 50
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 50
    Hazoe: posts the ante 50
    paget1986: posts the ante 50
    czlol: posts the ante 50
    weekesy333: posts the ante 50
    zinka2011: posts the ante 50
    delftrules: posts the ante 50
    ex6tenceLV: posts small blind 200
    Hazoe: posts big blind 400
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [Qh As]
    paget1986: raises 800 to 1200
    czlol: folds
    weekesy333: folds
    zinka2011: folds
    delftrules: folds
    Bolle03: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 3046 to 4246 and is all-in
    Hazoe: folds
    paget1986: calls 3046
    *** FLOP *** [Qc Ts Kd]
    *** TURN *** [Qc Ts Kd] [8s]
    *** RIVER *** [Qc Ts Kd 8s] [9h]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    ex6tenceLV: shows [Qh As] (a pair of Queens)
    paget1986: shows [Js Ac] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
    paget1986 collected 9292 from pot
    ex6tenceLV finished the tournament in 342nd place
    BrinzaSok is connected

    19.10.2011 18:52

    PokerStars Game #69216876549: Tournament #543010493, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level VI (40/80) — 2011/10/19 21:50:17 EET [2011/10/19 14:50:17 ET]
    Table '543010493 415' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
    Seat 1: anãoo (2813 in chips)
    Seat 2: ProPoker67 (4305 in chips)
    Seat 3: ex6tenceLV (2045 in chips)
    Seat 4: pnp-42 (2915 in chips)
    Seat 5: mrnovafish (1625 in chips)
    Seat 6: RabbitSlim79 (3355 in chips)
    Seat 7: luvdemgents (1855 in chips)
    Seat 8: The Moker (7003 in chips)
    Seat 9: Smolin22 (1352 in chips)
    anãoo: posts the ante 10
    ProPoker67: posts the ante 10
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 10
    pnp-42: posts the ante 10
    mrnovafish: posts the ante 10
    RabbitSlim79: posts the ante 10
    luvdemgents: posts the ante 10
    The Moker: posts the ante 10
    Smolin22: posts the ante 10
    RabbitSlim79: posts small blind 40
    luvdemgents: posts big blind 80
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [4c 4h]
    The Moker: folds
    Smolin22: folds
    anãoo: folds
    ProPoker67: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 80 to 160
    pnp-42: folds
    mrnovafish: calls 160
    RabbitSlim79: folds
    luvdemgents: calls 80
    *** FLOP *** [5d 4s Jh]
    luvdemgents: checks
    ex6tenceLV: bets 251
    mrnovafish: raises 1204 to 1455 and is all-in
    luvdemgents: raises 230 to 1685 and is all-in
    ex6tenceLV: calls 1434
    *** TURN *** [5d 4s Jh] [Td]
    *** RIVER *** [5d 4s Jh Td] [Qd]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    luvdemgents: shows [2s Jd] (a pair of Jacks)
    ex6tenceLV: shows [4c 4h] (three of a kind, Fours)
    ex6tenceLV collected 460 from side pot
    mrnovafish: shows [9c Kc] (a straight, Nine to King)
    luvdemgents is sitting out
    mrnovafish collected 4975 from main pot
    luvdemgents finished the tournament in 4630th place
    Nu un kā lai šitādus sauc ?

    19.10.2011 13:26

    Priecē ka neaizmirsti par katru dienu kaut ko uzrakstīt, tā arī turpini. 😉

    18.10.2011 20:58

    PLATHS23 folds, LeMaveric folds, zelma11 calls 30,000, biggiefish folds, dodda24 calls 30,000, -PPL- folds, lamasa1313 folds, BadWolfOne04 calls 30,000, spyactivity checks.

    FLOP [board cards: AS,AC,JC ]
    BadWolfOne04 checks, spyactivity bets 45,000, zelma11 calls 38,492 and is all-in, dodda24 raises to 105,000, BadWolfOne04 folds, spyactivity raises to 274,500 and is all-in, dodda24 calls 182,810 and is all-in.

    TURN [board cards: AS,AC,JC,TH ]

    RIVER [board cards: AS,AC,JC,TH,6D ]

    spyactivity shows [ AH,9S ]
    zelma11 shows [ QD,KH ]
    dodda24 shows [ AD,JS ]
    dodda24 wins 262,476, dodda24 wins 288,636.
    u menja zdes fold est vs 2 fishej?

      18.10.2011 21:13

      Pohoze sto estj, no, konesno, reshenie ne samoe legkoe. Igrok zelma limpit so stekom 2-3 blainda.. Posle nevo eso 1 igrok limpit. Eto oznochaet, sto u nevo ruka, tak kak on uze javno ne sbrositj dazhe na tvoj all in tak kak on limpit so stekom, pohoze gde ta 10BB. Ti tozhe short 🙂 Tak sto evo limp oznochaet bolshe vsevo sto eto lovushka. Evo isoraise, koneshno, s full housom strannaja vesh. Ja bi zdes zapushil eso preflop. No tak kak OPP tozhe koljat so stekom 10BB, eto ochenj podozritelno. Koneshno, zhe sbrositj zdes mozna, no ne legko s takim stekom kak u Tebja !

    18.10.2011 16:55

    PokerStars Game #69161275718: Tournament #455348417, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level XII (150/300) — 2011/10/18 19:48:34 EET [2011/10/18 12:48:34 ET]
    Table '455348417 143' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
    Seat 1: CNmilk (19839 in chips) is sitting out
    Seat 2: pier karden (6430 in chips)
    Seat 3: Prezes OSZI (10462 in chips)
    Seat 4: ex6tenceLV (18287 in chips)
    Seat 5: Kulbitsky (22860 in chips)
    Seat 6: dartmusa (3540 in chips)
    Seat 7: jerrykees (9752 in chips)
    Seat 8: miann111 (6253 in chips)
    Seat 9: billyman81 (28632 in chips)
    CNmilk: posts the ante 40
    pier karden: posts the ante 40
    Prezes OSZI: posts the ante 40
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 40
    Kulbitsky: posts the ante 40
    dartmusa: posts the ante 40
    jerrykees: posts the ante 40
    miann111: posts the ante 40
    billyman81: posts the ante 40
    CNmilk: posts small blind 150
    pier karden: posts big blind 300
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [Qc Qs]
    Prezes OSZI: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 300 to 600
    Kulbitsky: folds
    dartmusa: folds
    jerrykees: folds
    miann111: calls 600
    billyman81: folds
    CNmilk: folds
    pier karden: calls 300
    *** FLOP *** [9h 6h 8s]
    pier karden: bets 5790 and is all-in
    ex6tenceLV: calls 5790
    miann111: folds
    *** TURN *** [9h 6h 8s] [3h]
    *** RIVER *** [9h 6h 8s 3h] [Qh]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    pier karden: shows [5s 5h] (a flush, Queen high)
    ex6tenceLV: shows [Qc Qs] (three of a kind, Queens)
    pier karden collected 13890 from pot

    18.10.2011 16:45

    PokerStars Game #69161034817: Tournament #455383073, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level VIII (60/120) — 2011/10/18 19:43:42 EET [2011/10/18 12:43:42 ET]
    Table '455383073 7' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
    Seat 1: MMR90 (10222 in chips)
    Seat 2: 9ball13 (12146 in chips)
    Seat 3: the_bridler (2652 in chips)
    Seat 4: Kaltedusche1 (9247 in chips)
    Seat 5: Immortelle77 (4535 in chips)
    Seat 6: batschi79 (14832 in chips)
    Seat 7: dordrecht80 (8813 in chips)
    Seat 8: ex6tenceLV (12878 in chips)
    Seat 9: ggabor1976 (2785 in chips)
    MMR90: posts the ante 15
    9ball13: posts the ante 15
    the_bridler: posts the ante 15
    Kaltedusche1: posts the ante 15
    Immortelle77: posts the ante 15
    batschi79: posts the ante 15
    dordrecht80: posts the ante 15
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 15
    ggabor1976: posts the ante 15
    MMR90: posts small blind 60
    9ball13: posts big blind 120
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [Kh Ah]
    the_bridler: folds
    Kaltedusche1: calls 120
    Immortelle77: folds
    batschi79: folds
    dordrecht80: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 301 to 421
    ggabor1976: raises 2349 to 2770 and is all-in
    MMR90: folds
    9ball13: folds
    Kaltedusche1: folds
    ex6tenceLV: calls 2349
    *** FLOP *** [3h Qd 6c]
    *** TURN *** [3h Qd 6c] [3s]
    *** RIVER *** [3h Qd 6c 3s] [2c]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    ex6tenceLV: shows [Kh Ah] (a pair of Threes)
    ggabor1976: shows [6h Kc] (two pair, Sixes and Threes)
    ggabor1976 collected 5975 from pot

    18.10.2011 16:36

    PokerStars Game #69160517869: Tournament #543010352, $40+$4 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level V (75/150) — 2011/10/18 19:33:11 EET [2011/10/18 12:33:11 ET]
    Table '543010352 22' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
    Seat 1: benderblya (3626 in chips)
    Seat 2: cardcore89 (4996 in chips)
    Seat 3: ex6tenceLV (6328 in chips)
    Seat 4: tirina1205 (6523 in chips)
    Seat 5: Retschy (5596 in chips)
    Seat 6: KKremate (3426 in chips)
    Retschy: posts small blind 75
    KKremate: posts big blind 150
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [6h 6s]
    benderblya: folds
    cardcore89: raises 150 to 300
    ex6tenceLV: calls 300
    tirina1205: folds
    Retschy: calls 225
    KKremate: calls 150
    *** FLOP *** [7c 6c 4h]
    Retschy: checks
    KKremate: checks
    cardcore89: bets 516
    ex6tenceLV: raises 875 to 1391
    Retschy: raises 3905 to 5296 and is all-in
    KKremate: folds
    cardcore89: folds
    ex6tenceLV: calls 3905
    *** TURN *** [7c 6c 4h] [3c]
    *** RIVER *** [7c 6c 4h 3c] [5c]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Retschy: shows [9h 8h] (a straight, Five to Nine)
    ex6tenceLV: shows [6h 6s] (a straight, Three to Seven)
    Retschy collected 12308 from pot
    $44 6max. Lūk kā šādi idioti tiek pie $100k profita !

    18.10.2011 01:22

    PokerStars Game #69129664307: Tournament #543010511, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level XIX (2500/5000) — 2011/10/18 1:09:52 EET [2011/10/17 18:09:52 ET]
    Table '543010511 17' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
    Seat 1: shiroshiro (44333 in chips)
    Seat 2: Maddin018 (266651 in chips)
    Seat 3: moffo13 (72826 in chips)
    Seat 4: lalalaurens (102340 in chips)
    Seat 5: BarneyBaxter (35682 in chips)
    Seat 6: ex6tenceLV (306431 in chips)
    Seat 7: kannichts (16098 in chips)
    Seat 8: romafish (196064 in chips) out of hand (moved from another table into small blind)
    Seat 9: jimmyjames4 (319756 in chips)
    shiroshiro: posts the ante 500
    Maddin018: posts the ante 500
    moffo13: posts the ante 500
    lalalaurens: posts the ante 500
    BarneyBaxter: posts the ante 500
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 500
    kannichts: posts the ante 500
    jimmyjames4: posts the ante 500
    jimmyjames4: posts small blind 2500
    shiroshiro: posts big blind 5000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [9h Ac]
    Maddin018: folds
    moffo13: folds
    lalalaurens: folds
    BarneyBaxter: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 5000 to 10000
    kannichts: folds
    jimmyjames4: raises 15500 to 25500
    shiroshiro: folds
    ex6tenceLV: calls 15500
    *** FLOP *** [8h 8d As]
    jimmyjames4: bets 24200
    ex6tenceLV: calls 24200
    *** TURN *** [8h 8d As] [6h]
    jimmyjames4: checks
    ex6tenceLV: checks
    *** RIVER *** [8h 8d As 6h] [Ks]
    jimmyjames4: checks
    ex6tenceLV: bets 36821
    jimmyjames4: raises 232735 to 269556 and is all-in
    ex6tenceLV: calls 219410 and is all-in
    Uncalled bet (13325) returned to jimmyjames4
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    jimmyjames4: shows [Kd Jc] (two pair, Kings and Eights)
    ex6tenceLV: shows [9h Ac] (two pair, Aces and Eights)
    ex6tenceLV collected 620862 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 620862 | Rake 0
    Board [8h 8d As 6h Ks]
    Seat 1: shiroshiro (big blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 2: Maddin018 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: moffo13 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 4: lalalaurens folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 5: BarneyBaxter folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 6: ex6tenceLV showed [9h Ac] and won (620862) with two pair, Aces and Eights
    Seat 7: kannichts (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 9: jimmyjames4 (small blind) showed [Kd Jc] and lost with two pair, Kings and Eights
    Tā kā biju piedalījies pēdējos 4 potos, no kuriem 3 pats reizojis, tad, vairāk kā skaidrs, ka kāds no agro spēlētājiem gribēs mani apturēt. Tad nu iekoloju 3bet ar A9o ar domu floatot :p Beigās sanāca pat trāpīt. Uz river paņēmu time bank un nonācu pie slēdziena, ka uz šādu te push nav daudz rokas, kas mani sit — AK, KK, 66, protams, arī katrs 8 🙂 Ar jebkuru citu Ax, izņemot A8 un AK, tiek dalīts pots. Call.

    17.10.2011 21:49

    Vēl palikuši divi donkamenti Pokerstaros. Ja kādam ir interese, ID:

    17.10.2011 21:41

    =/ gl

      17.10.2011 21:43

      Seat 1: agiusdaniel (164,880 in chips)
      Seat 2: Tomten.123 (262,744 in chips)
      Seat 4: stompe1829 (339,936 in chips)
      Seat 5: Oo11o0o0o110 (337,897 in chips)
      Seat 8: ex6tence (250,543 in chips)

      Tomten.123 posts ante (1,000), stompe1829 posts ante (1,000), Oo11o0o0o110 posts ante (1,000), ex6tence posts ante (1,000), agiusdaniel posts ante (1,000), Tomten.123 posts small blind (5,000), stompe1829 posts big blind (10,000),

      Oo11o0o0o110 folds, ex6tence raises to 20,000, agiusdaniel folds, Tomten.123 folds, stompe1829 calls 20,000.

      FLOP [board cards: 9S,4H,5D ]
      stompe1829 checks, ex6tence bets 24,921, stompe1829 calls 24,921.

      TURN [board cards: 9S,4H,5D,JH ]
      stompe1829 checks, ex6tence bets 55,281, stompe1829 calls 55,281.

      RIVER [board cards: 9S,4H,5D,JH,6C ]
      stompe1829 checks, ex6tence bets 149,341 and is all-in, stompe1829 calls 149,341.

      ex6tence shows [ QS,KS ]
      stompe1829 shows [ 9H,7S ]
      stompe1829 wins 509,086.
      Never bluff stupid calling stations …. Out 5th place…

    17.10.2011 21:34

    otkarmimil :{

    17.10.2011 21:26

    KAK BLAJD 2 idiota s abi 6 dolarov v top 5? i tomten so statami 6/6 na 100 ruk rofl

      17.10.2011 21:28

      Da, prosta psc. Ja dumaju, na skoka vezuchim nada bitj stob tak igraja popast za finalkoj 🙂

    17.10.2011 21:19

    PokerStars Game #69126921059: Tournament #543010571, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level XIII (200/400) — 2011/10/18 0:16:17 EET [2011/10/17 17:16:17 ET]
    Table '543010571 114' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
    Seat 1: dynastyzz (2512 in chips)
    Seat 2: NutsErryTime (8808 in chips)
    Seat 3: ex6tenceLV (4220 in chips)
    Seat 4: Lillegun (4939 in chips)
    Seat 5: panayri (15328 in chips)
    Seat 6: Rustam II (2294 in chips)
    Seat 7: kylehlina87 (7364 in chips)
    Seat 8: 1maniak (7613 in chips)
    Seat 9: neni85 (4587 in chips)
    dynastyzz: posts the ante 50
    NutsErryTime: posts the ante 50
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 50
    Lillegun: posts the ante 50
    panayri: posts the ante 50
    Rustam II: posts the ante 50
    kylehlina87: posts the ante 50
    1maniak: posts the ante 50
    neni85: posts the ante 50
    Lillegun: posts small blind 200
    panayri: posts big blind 400
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [2d 2h]
    Rustam II: folds
    kylehlina87: folds
    1maniak: folds
    neni85: folds
    dynastyzz: folds
    NutsErryTime: raises 560 to 960
    ex6tenceLV: raises 3210 to 4170 and is all-in
    Lillegun: folds
    panayri: folds
    NutsErryTime: calls 3210
    *** FLOP *** [5s 8s 3c]
    *** TURN *** [5s 8s 3c] [2s]
    *** RIVER *** [5s 8s 3c 2s] [7s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    NutsErryTime: shows [Js Kh] (a flush, Jack high)
    ex6tenceLV: shows [2d 2h] (three of a kind, Deuces)
    NutsErryTime collected 9390 from pot
    ex6tenceLV finished the tournament in 544th place

    17.10.2011 21:16

    2 idiota :DD

    17.10.2011 21:13

    Kārtējais PS special The Bigger $55
    PokerStars Game #69126595227: Tournament #543010571, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level XII (150/300) — 2011/10/18 0:10:28 EET [2011/10/17 17:10:28 ET]
    Table '543010571 114' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
    Seat 1: dynastyzz (3222 in chips)
    Seat 2: NutsErryTime (8518 in chips)
    Seat 3: ex6tenceLV (12044 in chips)
    Seat 4: Lillegun (7511 in chips)
    Seat 5: panayri (7004 in chips)
    Seat 6: Rustam II (2554 in chips)
    Seat 7: kylehlina87 (3192 in chips)
    Seat 8: 1maniak (8323 in chips)
    Seat 9: neni85 (5297 in chips)
    dynastyzz: posts the ante 40
    NutsErryTime: posts the ante 40
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 40
    Lillegun: posts the ante 40
    panayri: posts the ante 40
    Rustam II: posts the ante 40
    kylehlina87: posts the ante 40
    1maniak: posts the ante 40
    neni85: posts the ante 40
    kylehlina87: posts small blind 150
    1maniak: posts big blind 300
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [Ad Ks]
    neni85: folds
    dynastyzz: folds
    NutsErryTime: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 300 to 600
    Lillegun: folds
    panayri: raises 900 to 1500
    Rustam II: folds
    kylehlina87: folds
    1maniak: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 2400 to 3900
    panayri: raises 2400 to 6300
    ex6tenceLV: raises 2400 to 8700
    panayri: calls 664 and is all-in
    Uncalled bet (1736) returned to ex6tenceLV
    *** FLOP *** [7d 4d Jd]
    *** TURN *** [7d 4d Jd] [7c]
    *** RIVER *** [7d 4d Jd 7c] [3s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    ex6tenceLV: shows [Ad Ks] (a pair of Sevens)
    panayri: shows [Kd Kh] (two pair, Kings and Sevens)
    panayri collected 14738 from pot

    17.10.2011 21:05
    0 ? 🙂

      17.10.2011 21:14

      Ieslēgšu pēc ONgame finālgalda, tā kā latvietis arī pie galda ^^

    17.10.2011 20:43

    Nākamā roka JJ. Iepriekšējā rokā parādīju blefu. Tad nu skaidrs, ka šeit ar JJ iekolot 4bet push, nevajadzētu pārāk grūti… Tomēr nepaveicās….
    PokerStars Game #69124827429: Tournament #543010531, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit — Level IX (200/400) — 2011/10/17 23:38:19 EET [2011/10/17 16:38:19 ET]
    Table '543010531 56' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
    Seat 1: guillem313 (24187 in chips)
    Seat 2: neni85 (17456 in chips)
    Seat 3: ex6tenceLV (22147 in chips)
    Seat 4: EMPTY1SEAT (7840 in chips)
    Seat 5: nomeveas60 (22130 in chips)
    Seat 6: ILIA_WIZ (19523 in chips)
    Seat 7: JilChang (31539 in chips)
    Seat 8: Sure_Shot-TP (11918 in chips)
    Seat 9: TonySito (36803 in chips)
    guillem313: posts the ante 50
    neni85: posts the ante 50
    ex6tenceLV: posts the ante 50
    EMPTY1SEAT: posts the ante 50
    nomeveas60: posts the ante 50
    ILIA_WIZ: posts the ante 50
    JilChang: posts the ante 50
    Sure_Shot-TP: posts the ante 50
    TonySito: posts the ante 50
    EMPTY1SEAT: posts small blind 200
    nomeveas60: posts big blind 400
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ex6tenceLV [Js Jd]
    ILIA_WIZ: folds
    JilChang: folds
    Sure_Shot-TP: folds
    TonySito: folds
    guillem313: raises 499 to 899
    neni85: folds
    ex6tenceLV: raises 1101 to 2000
    EMPTY1SEAT: folds
    nomeveas60: folds
    guillem313: raises 22137 to 24137 and is all-in
    ex6tenceLV: calls 20097 and is all-in
    Uncalled bet (2040) returned to guillem313
    *** FLOP *** [6d Qh As]
    *** TURN *** [6d Qh As] [8d]
    *** RIVER *** [6d Qh As 8d] [7c]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    guillem313: shows [Qd Ah] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
    ex6tenceLV: shows [Js Jd] (a pair of Jacks)
    guillem313 collected 45244 from pot
    ex6tenceLV finished the tournament in 391st place

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